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CRTSwitchres creates resolutions on wrong device in Manjaro
I should update this as the situation's changed somewhat.

Figured my VGA extension cable might've played a role so I removed it from the equation. To my surprise it worked! Somewhat. I could only see a zoomed in stretch of the top part of the screen, not horizontally aligned.

After much fiddling about I booted into Linux with the LCD monitor completely disconnected, CRT set as primary, monitor index set to 0 (auto), Integer Scale ON. Any other relevant settings? V-sync I try both ON & OFF, same with 'sync to exact content framerate'.

What happened then was I managed to get Captain Commando to display perfectly! The 31KHz Dynamic mode in all its' glory! Tried a PSX game with in-game switching, Tales of Phantasia, and lo'! Perfectly displayed the 240p and to my surprise switched seamlessly to an actually interlaced title screen (I didn't know my VGA could do that!).

So naturally I was quite excited. But then I tried the Parallel core, running a couple games. Even though they reported 320x240 there was no switching to be had. I was dumbstruck. Genesis games displayed fine until I activated the Switchres function, upon which they did switch but all was suddenly black. NES games behaved just like things did right after I removed the extension cable. That is, zoomed in upper portion with no possibility of screen adjustment for proper compensation, horizontal misalignment etc.

So now it's on a core-by-core basis? I can't seem to wrap my head around this. Sad

Messages In This Thread
RE: CRTSwitchres creates resolutions on wrong device in Manjaro - by DukeSkinny - 06-25-2020, 09:36 AM

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